2023 捷運盃街舞大賽報名簡章-排舞賽
  • 參賽人數 每隊比賽人數以 2 至 12 人為限(不含工作或指導人員),且未與任何經紀公司簽署合約者。
  • 參賽對象 比賽分為YOUTH組、ADULT組,且每人以報名1組為限:
    • • YOUTH 組:須年滿 12 歲到 18 歲(西元 2004 年 9 月 1 日至 2011 年 8月 31 日間出生者) 。
    • • ADULT 組:19 歲以上(西元 2004 年 8 月 31 日(含)前出生者)。
    • 如參賽團員年齡橫跨兩組,則以團員中最高年齡者作為決定組別之依據。

2023 年 5 月 25 日中午 12 時至 2023 年 8 月 12 日晚間 9 時止



  • 初賽 8月19日(六)-ADULT組
  • 決賽 8月26日(六)-ADULT組


  • 評分標準 舞蹈技巧50%、造型創意20%、團體默契20%、音樂10%
  • 比賽時間限制
    • 初賽:每隊1.5-2分鐘
    • 決賽:每隊3-5分鐘
    每隊演出時間未達或超過限定時間者,以 10 秒為扣分單位,每超過 10 秒,扣每位評審之原始分數1 分,未滿 10 秒以 10 秒計算。
  • 評分說明
    • 初賽:邀請 5位專業評審擔任比賽評分,評分方式採取 100 分為滿分,5評審成績將加總為總分。將依照成績高低排列出各組前 10 隊伍(YOUTH 組、ADULT 組共 20 隊)進入決賽
    • 決賽:邀請 7位專業評審擔任比賽評分,評分方式採取 100 分為滿分,7位評審成績將加總為總分。將依照成績高低排列出各組優勝隊伍。
  • YOUTH組
    • 冠軍1隊 新台幣160,000元+獎盃1座
    • 亞軍1隊 新台幣100,000元+獎盃1座
    • 季軍1隊 新台幣 50,000元+獎盃1座
    • 優勝3隊 新台幣 20,000元+獎牌1面
    • 舞出勇敢獎 4 隊 新台幣 2,500 元
  • ADULT組
    • 冠軍1隊 新台幣160,000元+獎盃1座
    • 亞軍1隊 新台幣100,000元+獎盃1座
    • 季軍1隊 新台幣 50,000元+獎盃1座
    • 優勝3隊 新台幣 20,000元+獎牌1面
    • 舞出勇敢獎 4 隊 新台幣 2,500 元
  • 國際賽事補助 本屆各組別冠軍隊伍將可申請最高 20 萬元國際比賽補助(每人以 3 萬元為限)。限於國際比賽參賽後,檢附國外賽事資訊、比賽紀錄、機票、活動影像、參賽團員(限參與本屆捷運盃街舞比賽團員且具本國國籍者)等文件提出申請,並於 2024 年 08 月 31日前申請完畢。
  • (一) 初賽時程、報到注意事項將於活動報名截止後 1 週內以電子郵件通知,並公告於捷運盃街舞大賽官方 FB 及活動官網。建請各隊伍負責人加入捷運盃初賽 line 群組,務必注意相關信件避免損害個人權益。
  • (二)預計於比賽當日上午進行比賽隊伍順序抽籤及報到手續,逾時未到之隊伍,主辦單位將保留其參賽之權利。
  • (三)初賽現場不提供彩排,但主辦單位將安排音樂測試時間,並讓舞者進行簡單走位。決賽現場則提供音樂測試及彩排時間,以主辦單位現場安排為準。
  • (四)比賽結果將於現場公布並頒獎,並於活動結束 1 週內公告於官方網頁。
  • (一)依中華民國所得稅法規定,得獎獎品或獎金金額在新台幣 20,001 元以上,得獎者必須依規定扣繳 10%中獎所得稅額,始得領獎;得獎人如為外籍(即在中華民國境內居住未達 183 天之本國人及外國人)則依規定扣繳 20%稅率。
  • (二)依財政部國稅局各類所得扣繳率標準規定,競技競賽、機會中獎獎金或給付超過新台幣 1,000 元,須列單申報該管稽徵機關。故得獎人須依規定填寫並繳交相關收據方可領獎,主辦單位將依稅法規定於年度開立扣繳憑單予活動得獎人,屆時得獎人可憑扣繳憑單之扣繳稅額抵減個人綜合所得稅。若不願配合,則視為自動棄權,不具得獎資格。
  • (三)得獎隊伍如有冒名上場、使用不法音樂等行為,如遭相關權利人檢舉並證實確有該等情事後, 主辦單位得逕予取消得獎資格,除追回獎金獎品外,得向得獎隊伍請求相當於獎金金額 2 倍之懲罰性違約金,另若造成主辦單位損害,得獎隊伍應負損害賠償責任。
  • (四)參賽隊伍須自備合法音樂曲目,若涉及著作財產權,則不得公開傳輸及商業發行。主辦單位得於現場要求簽署版權切結書,參賽隊伍需自行負責相關責任。
  • (五)凡入選決賽之隊伍,初賽、決賽可以準備相同或不同曲目進行比賽。
  • (六)比賽報到當日須攜帶身分證件或健保卡至報到處檢核,人員應與報名時相同,現場不得更換或增減。若有資格不符,經檢舉查證屬實,取消該隊比賽資格。
  • (七)各參賽隊伍對其他參賽者資格有異議者,須於該隊比賽結束後 10 分鐘內,向主辦單位提出參賽者身分之查驗,逾時不予受理。
  • (八)舞台提供黑膠地墊及相關設施,禁止擅自黏貼其他影響競賽之物品。
  • (九)倘因音響、燈光、舞台工作人員操作失誤而導致比賽無法正常進行,經評審同意後可重新表演;倘非上述因素而中止比賽,視為主動棄權。
  • (十)易致危險之道具及物品不得攜帶進場,以免發生意外。
  • (十一)比賽全程活動拍照錄影,參賽者視同同意活動照片及影片智慧財產權與肖像權屬主辦單位所有,不另行支付相關報酬。
  • (十二)決賽勝出之優秀隊伍,若有需要應配合主辦單位活動後續宣傳之安排。
  • (十三)決賽勝出之優秀隊伍,自得獎日起 1 年內,須同意配合台北捷運公司所主、協辦之活動表演邀約演出,以 1 次為限(另行支付車馬費用) 。
  • (十四)由於活動場地為開放式場地,請各參賽者自行管理個人貴重物品,若有遺失,主辦單位一概不負責。
  • (十五)凡參加活動人員,將由主辦單位投保公共意外責任險,保險及理賠依投保公司之保險契約為準。
  • (十六)主辦單位保留解釋及修訂比賽規則的權利,並對比賽結果擁有最終決定權(如有同分情況, 將召開評審會議評定名次)。
  • (十七)本計畫經主辦單位公告後實施,如有變動及未盡事宜,以捷運盃街舞大賽官方 FB 及網站公布之最新訊息為準。
2023 Metro Street Dance CompetitionOFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS
Entries and Eligibility
  • Each team must consist of a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 dancers (excluding staff or choreographers)
  • The competition is divided into the YOUTH Division and ADULT Division. Each dancer can only register to compete in one division.
    • ▪ YOUTH Division: Ages 12 to 18 (born between September 1, 2004—August 31, 2011, inclusive)
    • ▪ ADULT Division: Ages 19 and older (born on or before August 31, 2004)
    • In the event of a team consisting of dancers falling into both the YOUTH and ADULT Divisions, the age of the oldest dancer will be used to calculate the teams’ applicable division rank.
Registration Period

May 25, 2023 (12:00) to August 12, 2023 (21:00).

How to Register

Online registration only. Please ensure that all information given for registration is correct and complete. No corrections will be accepted once registration has closed.

Competition Dates
  • Preliminary Round ADULT Division: August 19, 2023 (Saturday)
    YOUTH Division: August 20, 2023 (Sunday)
  • Final Round ADULT Division: August 26, 2023 (Saturday)
    YOUTH Division: August 27, 2023 (Sunday)
Competition Venue

Beitou Resort (Exit 2 at Fuxinggang Metro Station)

Judge’s Panel and Scoring System
  • Scoring Criteria and Weighting Technique – 50%, Costume and Creativity – 20%, Teamwork – 20%, Musicality – 10%.
  • Routine/Music Length
    • Preliminary Round – between 1.5 to 2 minutes.
    • Final Round – between 3 to 5 minutes.
    Failure to stay within these time limits will result in a 1-point deduction from each judge for every 10 seconds that passes. A time violation running under 10 seconds will be regarded as a 10-second violation.
  • Scoring System
    • Preliminary Round –
      The panel will consist of 5 professional judges. Each judge will score each performance according to the aforementioned criteria, which will then be totaled to calculate the final score. The highest possible score is 100. The 10 top-scoring teams from both the YOUTH and ADULT Divisions will advance to the Final Round (i.e. a total of 20 teams will advance).
    • Final Round –
      The panel will consist of 7 professional judges. Each judge will score each performance according to the aforementioned criteria, which will then be totaled to calculate the final score. The highest possible score is 100. The team with the highest-ranking final score will be designated the championship winners.
Awards and Prizes
  • YOUTH Division
    • Championship Award - 1 team: NT$160,000 and one trophy per team.
    • 1st Runner-Up Award - 1 team: NT$100,000 and one trophy per team.
    • 2nd Runner-Up Award - 1 team: NT$50,000 and one trophy per team.
    • Merit Award - 3 teams: NT$20,000 and one medal per team.
    • Bravery Dance Award - 4 teams: NT$2,500 per team.
  • ADULT Division
    • Championship Award - 1 team: NT$160,000 and one trophy per team.
    • 1st Runner-Up Award - 1 team: NT$100,000 and one trophy per team.
    • 2nd Runner-Up Award - 1 team: NT$50,000 and one trophy per team.
    • Merit Award - 3 teams: NT$20,000 and one medal per team.
    • Bravery Dance Award - 4 teams: NT$2,500 per team.
  • Subsidy for Overseas Competitions The 2023 Metro Street Dance championship winners are eligible to apply for a subsidy of up to NT$200,000 to participate in international competitions abroad (limited to NT$30,000 per dancer). Applications are to be filed after competing overseas. Any pertinent documentation must be attached to the application, including: competition information, competition records, airline tickets, competition photos or video highlights, and team members’ personal information (only valid for dancers holding Taiwanese nationality who participated as a member of the 2023 Metro Street Dance Championship Team). All paperwork must be completed and submitted before August 31, 2024.
Other Guidelines
  • 1.The Preliminary Round contest schedule and registration guidelines will be sent via email one week after online registration closes and will also be posted on the 2023 Metro Street Dance Competition’s official Facebook Page and official website. The leader of each team should participate in the Metro Street Dance LINE group. Please pay attention to emails and official announcements to ensure your rights.
  • 2. Team registrations and the bracket draw are projected to be held on the morning of the event. The Organizer reserves the right to accept or decline the eligibility of teams who fail to complete registration check-in before the cutoff time.
  • 3. The Organizer will not provide time for rehearsals for the Preliminary Round, but will arrange a specific period for sound checks and simple stage blocking. During the Final Round, the Organizer will schedule rehearsals and sound checks. In the event of any scheduling discrepancies, the on-site schedule will prevail.
  • 4. The awards ceremony, which includes the announcement of award recipients and presentation of prizes, will be held after the competition. The results will be announced on the official website one week after the competition ends.
  • 1.According to the Income Tax Act of the R.O.C., the withholding tax rate for any income derived from prizes or awards in contests or games won by chance totaling an amount of NT$20,001 or above is 10% of the full amount. For non-resident winners (i.e. citizens or non-citizens who have resided and stayed in the R.O.C. for less than 183 days), the withholding tax rate is 20% of the full amount.
  • 2. According to the Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes established by the Ministry of Finance, R.O.C., if the amount of prizes or payment from contests and games won by chance surpasses NT$1,000, a withholding report should be filed to the tax collecting authority-in-charge. Winners shall therefore be required to fill in the relevant receipts before receiving their prizes and awards. The Organizer will issue a withholding tax statement for the winners to apply for a tax credit, in accordance with the Income Tax Act of the R.O.C. If the winners elect not to comply with the aforementioned rules, they will be deemed as having forfeited their rights and be ineligible for any prizes or awards.
  • 3. If a report is filed by the relevant rights owner, the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any team who is found to be taking part in any incident involving impersonation, illegal use of music, and so on. In addition to withdrawing any awards or prizes, the Organizer also reserves the right to request punitive damages equivalent to two times the amount won in prizes. Additionally, the violating party shall be liable to pay compensation for any subsequent damages, injury, or losses incurred to the Organizer.
  • 4. Each team must obtain relevant licensing for the music used in their routine. If there are any copyright issues with a team’s choice of music, the Organizer reserves the right to request the team to sign an affidavit onsite that declares the team solely responsible for any music copyright disputes.
  • 5. Teams who have advanced to the Final Round are allowed to use music different from what they used in the Preliminary Round.
  • 6.An ID card or health insurance card is required for registration check-in on the day of competition. The team members checking in must be the same as those registered online. The on-site substitution or modifying of team members (i.e. adding/subtracting members) will not be permitted. If any team is found to have an ineligible member as part of their team during the registration process, they will be disqualified.
  • 7. Any objections regarding the eligibility of other teams must be submitted within 10 minutes after that team’s performance or will otherwise not be accepted.
  • 8. The stage will be pre-equipped with vinyl flooring and other related equipment; affixing any other unauthorized equipment to the ground that could affect the competition is prohibited.
  • 9. If a team’s performance is interrupted due to mistakes made by the lighting/sound/stage crew, the affected team can restart their performance with the approval of the judges. If a performance is interrupted for any other reason than those stated above, the team will be automatically disqualified.
  • 10. To avoid any accidents, dangerous props and items are not allowed on site.
  • 11. This entire event will be filmed and/or recorded. By attending or participating in this event, you are giving your consent to be photographed and/or recorded on film and you are waiving any and all claims regarding the use of your image by the 2022 Metro Street Dance Competition as well as royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your likeness.
  • 12. The championship winners must participate in follow-up marketing and promotional events upon request.
  • 13. The championship winners must agree to accept to perform one time in an event organized or co-organized by the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation in the time frame of one year after the competition. (Travel fees will be reimbursed separately.)
  • 14. The venue is an open area, and all participants are responsible for taking care of their personal belongings. The Organizer is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen property.
  • 15. The Organizer will insure all participants under a public liability insurance plan. Insurance coverage and claims conditions are as specified in the insurance contract.
  • 16. The Organizer reserves the right to interpret and revise the competition rules and to determine the final results of the competition (in the event of a tied score, the judging panel will convene to review the scores).
  • 17. These rules and regulations will be enforced after examination and approval by the Organizer. Please refer to the official website for the most up-to-date version of this document, as alterations or amendments may be made if required.
主辦單位 :
承辦單位 :